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Amazing Amateur Imaging July 26, 2010

Posted by aquillam in Astronomy.

I have a few friends who do some amazing work. I’ve seen images out of 10 and 12 inch telescopes that look like they are just low res versions of a Davin Malin image.

But this is just amazing. http://www.universetoday.com/2010/07/26/gravitational-lensing-caught-by-amateur-telescope/

Forget amateur images looking like low-res versions of ground based images, now they look like low res versions of space based images.  So what’s next, and amateur version of adaptive optics?

In the meantime, for my friends with the ability to stay up all night and still go to work in the morning, I can’t wait to see the images at Astronomy at the Beach!


1. Amber - July 27, 2010

Incredible image! I never would have thought it was possible to capture the effects of gravitational lensing with a ground based 12″ ‘scope. Thanks for sharing this with us!

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